Discover the inspiring journey of Maggie Messina with Tattered Laces Memoirs. From her childhood struggles to becoming a world-class martial artist, Maggie's story is an example of strength, perseverance, and success. Follow along as she shares her lessons of empowerment, helping others to rise above their circumstances and achieve lives they thought they could only dream of. Tattered Laces: Memoirs of Maggie Messina - the Ultimate Guide to Personal Growth and Achievement
Many American Men & Women have used their martial arts platform to become some of the most influential thought leaders in life & business. The Elite Martial Artists in America compilation book focuses on life lessons, leadership, and business, all in one publication. Never before has there been a book to bring together a total life package. Our co-authors are experts in their own right based on their personal achievements in life, leadership, and business. Discover the hidden secret that separates one martial artist from another as they share the secrets to life, secrets leadership, and secrets to business.